A little excitement today with the road construction.
Somebody managed to hit a gas line today.
We did leave the house and we just went down the block,
but we were able to go back in the house less than a half hour later.
Luckily nothing exploded, caught fire, and nobody got hurt.
That is was is most important NOBODY GOT HURT.
My neighbor takes care of other people's children
and it is scary just thinking about how bad the situation could have been.
This most certainly could have been avoided,
but even when people try to be careful accidents can happen.
I was outside just a few minutes before
and I will say it did not look like the workers were trying to hurry.
They knew the gas line was there and was using a hand shovel.
I do not know exactly how it happened
because I went inside a few minutes before it did happen.
WE energies and the fire department
was there in minutes to shut the gas off
and did not leave until everything was okay.
The road construction workers
and the energy company
worked fast and kept their cool.
This was taken from the front step.

This was taken from down the block.

This one was also taken down the block.
I just zoomed in a little bit for this one.

This was taken from our front yard.
This is also taken from our front yard.
You can see the yellow caution tape.
That is where the gas line broke.

What I do alter in my pictures occasionally:
I try to crop out license plates and neighbors houses
(even though they are already on Google).
I sometimes crop out excess sky, road, grass, that sort of stuff.
I want the main part of the picture to show
and not all the other stuff like blue sky and grass.
I will use the contrast and auto color buttons if the picture is too dark.
I do not do anything else to them.
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