BZZ Agent---Inbox Dollars
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Lori!!! Colors of Me blog
Posted by Mary L at Wednesday, April 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: colors of me blog, Happy Birthday, Lori--blogger, Vin Diesel picture
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sidewalk Repairs
Last year in my neighborhood the city started putting green x's on cracked parts of sidewalks. For some reason none of ours had them. That meant they had to get fixed and/or replaced. It is up to the homeowners to spend hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars to fix them. This year a good part of sidewalk has the green x's.
My question is if they are public sidewalks why are we responsible for fixing them and why are we the ones who have to pay for them. It is not like we can charge people to walk on them to help pay for it.
Oh, and yes this is the same sidewalk by the pictures of the road construction. With all the vibrations the cracks have even gotten bigger. Wait though the construction has just begun!!!
They have not even started to actually fix the road. So who knows what the trucks and vibrations will do the sidewalks, our house, our yard, et cetera.
The decision making politicians are a joke. A few years ago our telephone company dug up part of our sidewalk to put new lines in the ground, added a manhole cover, shook our tree and house like you could not even believe and made the couple of small hairline cracks that we did have even bigger.
Did I mention that they denied doing that. You would think that in this day of lawsuits companies would think to photograph the sidewalks and area they are immediately working in to prove whether or not they did or did not cause damage. Of course if we had thought about it would have photographed the sidewalk too.
Live and learn. Live and learn.
Remember if anyone is doing any kind of work near your home take pictures before they start so if something goes wrong you have some kind of proof that there was either no damage or if there already is some damage how bad it is.
I ran into one of my neighbors that did have sidewalk repairs done and he only had about I say 3 feet to 5 feet to do and it cost him almost $600.00. One of my other neighbors had to pay almost $1,600.00. Where does the city think people are going to get the money to pay this?
Posted by Mary L at Monday, April 28, 2008 0 comments
Labels: repairs, road construction, should take photographs, sidewalks
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Garden Flowers
In the front garden.
So sunny and bright are these daffodils;
or, like I say daffy dils lol.
This is really two tone,
but I took these late in the day and it kind of shows that. I know these look like ordinary daisies, but these are garden mums.
There has been some debate on the classification of daisies over the last few years.
I have been told by certified horticulturalists (spelling?) that there is a difference and some year it will be settled once and for all.
I say why bother.
Pretty is pretty who cares.
We bought these today and are not planted yet.
This is a six pack of garden mums that we got at Menards.
Petunias and geraniums. I did not even plant these this year.
My brother did these yesterday.
He never wants to help with this kind of stuff (lol) and he did these and other pots without being asked to!!!!
This is another one we bought today in a six pack from Menards.
We also bought a boxwood bush, but I forgot to photograph it. The boxwood bush was on sale for only $14.88. It is normally $24.99. That is a good deal. It is not a huge bush, but big enough for the price.
I bought the bush for my mom's birthday today.
Posted by Mary L at Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1 comments
Labels: birthday, daffodils, flowers, garden, garden mums, geraniums, Menards, petunias, sale
Friday, April 18, 2008
More Pictures From the Road Construction of 2008
Our driveway is just to the right of the stairs there. What a pain in the *&^%. We can not use the driveway or garage for the car I am guessing for most or all of the summer. Hopefully whatever they do with street will make traffic slow down a little and be safer for everyone. There is a middle school just past the building on the left side of the picture. The building on the left is a nursing home.
There is an elementary school a few blocks to the right of these workers. On the corner behind these workers there is an apartment building that has low income housing for people. Some are on disability, social security, or work but do not make much money, etc.
The speed limit on the main road is 30 miles per hour and on the secondary road it is 25 miles per hour. Imagine being elderly, disabled, a small child, or someone who lives on these roads constantly having to deal with people routinely going 40 - 50 miles per hours.
People need to slow their cars down. There is nowhere you have to be that is that important (unless it is an emergency and even then slow down) that you risk a car accident that can forever change your life. Right now through the construction the speed limit is 20 miles per hour.
Remember at least in Wisconsin if you get a speeding ticket in a construction zone your fines DOUBLE as do the points taken off your license.
The workers are cutting into the cement and directing traffic today.
Of course there is always one idiot, moron, completely oblivious person, who should not have a license that honks his/her horn. Really like that is going to speed things up. It was some guy in a little expensive sports car that honked his horn. He even tried going around the idiot. He probably paid too much for the car, gets horrible gas mileage (gas as of my station yesterday was at $3.49 per gallon), and I do not even want to think about what he pays for insurance.
All I can say if he drives like that he deserves to be ripped off!!!!!
Posted by Mary L at Friday, April 18, 2008 0 comments
Construction 2008, Ohio Street, Racine, Wisconsin
The first 2 are taken from our front step. This one is taken from the side of the house.
This one was taken across the street half-way down the steps of the bridge by our house.
This was also taken from the front step of our house.
Posted by Mary L at Friday, April 18, 2008 0 comments
Labels: 2008, pictures, Racine, road construction, Wisconsin
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Watch out for sample products
So, it is like this.....
I get a magazine in the mail and there is a coupon for a "new" product by an established and well known company with a well known spokeswoman and attached to the coupon is a sample of the right???
That is what I thought. It is a revitalize, I decide to try it today and let me just say my face and skin did NOT like it one bit!!!!!!
First my face was just itching a little bit---ok, not so bad at first. Then it started to itch a lot!!!!!
Ok, still it did NOT hurt but was beginning to really really really annoy me. Then all of a sudden my face felt like someone was burning it!!!!!
Did I mention I was at work during all this? No I did not mention that.
I told my boss I had to go to the bathroom and by the time I got there and looked in the mirror my nose and cheeks were bright red and my forehead and neck were slightly red. I took off all the makeup I had on in those areas and washed my face and it has now been over 10 hours since I put that "lotion" on and over 6 hours since my face started burning and it still burns and hurts and itches.
I know it was not the make up because that has been the same for a while now and my eyes did not have that itching and burning like the rest of my face.
I was not that concerned because I have used this company's shampoo and conditioner several times and like it and have had no problem with it. It is obvious that I had a severe allergic reaction to this particular product. It will heal in a few days (hopefully), but meanwhile I still had to work like this and have people look at me funny.
Posted by Mary L at Thursday, April 17, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
It is not one of the greatest shows, but it something about it touches me. The comedy episodes are fun, but there is something sad and sometimes beautiful in the serious episodes. It can be spiritual almost haunting like.
I have been asked by people I know if I would ever want to be immortal, and I never know for sure what I would want. On the one hand you get to live long enough to see changes in the world and whether what some leader long ago was right or wrong in the end, but it would also be very sad and lonely. I can not imagine watching everybody I ever knew die knowing that I would not (except by taking my head as in the show and movies).
In the end I do not think I would want to be immortal.
What brought this blog on??? I was playing around You Tube and was watching some of the videos and realized again how spiritual and sad and at the same time how beautiful some of the
Posted by Mary L at Saturday, April 12, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Highlander, Highlander: the Series, immortal
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