I did not even checked this yesterday or today because I have been sick. There is some kind of bug going around where I live and let us just say it is too painful to mention. Saturday I washed my hands soooo much that they actually stayed all pruney (I know that is not a word--but it is actually a good description). You know how your skin gets if you stay in the water too long. That is bad. LOL It's almost over. I am doing much better today. I only took 1 pill instead of the usual 2 and only 1 time so far. So, I know I am doing better. I actually want to attempt to eat, which definitely says a lot. LOL.
I have been helping out the local Easter Bunny this past week and this week. Today is my only day off this week, but I will survive. It has been kind of fun, but not as much as I thought it would be. I am only work 3 short shifts so it is not too bad. People think nothing of spending $50.00 to $70.00 every week or two on a video game for their kids, but grumble about $20.00 to have their kid's picture taken with the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. Seriously what is more important a real lasting memory with a picture or some stupid game they will be bored with in a couple of weeks?
Some people's priorities are really screwed up. Some lady did not want to pay the $20.00 to have her kid's picture taken even though the kid was dressed up for it and the kid stood there and cried. Meanwhile, she had about 5 or 6 bags from the most expensive stores in the mall and they were so called "women's" stores. One was an expensive shoe store, two were expensive women's clothing stores, and others.
Seriously what is more important another pair of shoes or top that will probably be worn a couple of times or not at all or a really good memory for you child? This kid was old enough to have permanent memories. What would you remember? A fun memory with the Easter Bunny or mom saying no because she does not want to pay for the picture while she has all these items that she just bought?
My mom and I fight all the time, but she always took me to see Santa (the Easter Bunny was not around here at the time when I was growing up) even when we had no money. Our Santa was in a little trailer at a shopping center when I was a kid. The mall did not get built until I was in high school. She always stood outside in the cold and somehow found the money to have my picture taken.
Why??? Because that is what a good parent does. They put their children before products. My mom always took me to the parade on Independance Day, to see Santa, even to the movies (all stuff she really did not enjoy doing by the way). Except when Snow White was playing because she wanted to see that one again in the theater lol.
So, much of my childhood was about bad things that she tried to do what normal kids did as much as she could. It was not easy with my father and one brother the way they were.
more to come.....
BZZ Agent---Inbox Dollars
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Easter Bunny and Parents
Posted by Mary L at Sunday, March 16, 2008
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