This was taken from our driveway.
Another picture taken from the bridge looking north.
This was taken from the bridge looking south.
This one was taken from the front yard looking north.
Is it me or does this kind of look like a dinosaur? LOL
This was taken from the front yard.
I would have taken pictures
of the workers putting up the temporary poles for street lights today,
but I was gone part of the time (we had to buy a new water heater)
and worked in the yard some.
Oh yeah I took allergy medicine and promptly fell asleep
and slept for four hours.
Yep that's right I took a four hour nap.
I guess I was really tired.
Still to come with the road:
A traffic light on the corner of Byrd Avenue and Ohio Street.
So, be careful when they finally open up the street.
The bridge is coming down.
We have been told the main part of the street
may be finished by the end of August.
They will be cutting down the trees by the street and replanting in the fall.
I will update when I find out more folks.
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