These pictures are from a few days ago. They took down the lights between Republic Avenue and 16th Street. Today is Saturday and they started work at 6 a.m. Yikes!!!! I just wish they would hurry up get this done; so, we can put the car back in the garage.
BZZ Agent---Inbox Dollars
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Pictures of Taking Down Lights on Ohio Street
Posted by Mary L at Saturday, May 31, 2008 0 comments
Labels: lights coming down, Ohio Street, pictures, Racine, road construction, Wisconsin
Monday, May 19, 2008
Photographs on Ohio Street, Racine, Wisconsin, Road Construction
This was taken from our driveway.
Another picture taken from the bridge looking north.
This was taken from the bridge looking south.
This one was taken from the front yard looking north.
Is it me or does this kind of look like a dinosaur? LOL
This was taken from the front yard.
I would have taken pictures
of the workers putting up the temporary poles for street lights today,
but I was gone part of the time (we had to buy a new water heater)
and worked in the yard some.
Oh yeah I took allergy medicine and promptly fell asleep
and slept for four hours.
Yep that's right I took a four hour nap.
I guess I was really tired.
Still to come with the road:
A traffic light on the corner of Byrd Avenue and Ohio Street.
So, be careful when they finally open up the street.
The bridge is coming down.
We have been told the main part of the street
may be finished by the end of August.
They will be cutting down the trees by the street and replanting in the fall.
I will update when I find out more folks.
Posted by Mary L at Monday, May 19, 2008 0 comments
Labels: pictures, road construction
Friday, May 9, 2008
More Pictures From The Front Of Our House In Progress
Ok, so the dead half tree is NOT a new addition to our garden. LOL We were going to cut it down, but the sparrows, cardinals, and purple finches all decided to make it their home this year.
Yes all three together. There are babies already too!!! They did not like us digging around there today.
The azalea we bought today (Sorry, I forgot which one it is. I will add the name at a later date.) and the iris we bought a couple of years ago. I do not know what one it is. Some kid stole our markers last year. If anyone recognizes it please post a comment about its name. The violets are wild violets. They have been growing in our yard somewhere ever since I can remember. A couple of years ago I dug a bunch up and transplanted them under the bushes we did have. I always thought they were pretty. I use to pick them alot and bring them in. I think it is because they are purple and that is my favorite color.
Posted by Mary L at Friday, May 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: azalea, birds, iris, outside house pictures, violets
Front Of Our House IN PROGRESS
Posted by Mary L at Friday, May 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: outside house pictures, planting
Monday, May 5, 2008
I So Wish I Had My Camera Today 5 May 2008
Today has been a strange sort of day.
I hear this big bang outside and decide to actually see what it was. The city is doing road construction by our house as previous blogs have mentioned. The big bang was just the truck dropping a scoop like thing on the road (it made the whole house shake).
My stomach has been a little queazy the last couple of days (no I am not pregnant for those of you thinking that) and decided to eat a few saltines. I get them out of the box and placed them on the counter and looked at the next counter to see the coffee and grounds all over it. My brother the genius did not get the filter thing lined up. This is not the first time he has done that either lol.
I ran out of black printer ink Saturday and decided to go get some today, no big deal there. At Best Buy if you have their reward card and buy 2 qualifying inks or 1 multi-pack you get free computer paper up to a $9.99 value. Also, you earn points to reward certificates. I have to admit Best Buy has never been one of my favorite places, especially ours. Although, I have noticed a big change over the last few months (mainly I actually get someone asking me if I need help without my looking for 15 to 20 minutes and when I have a complaint they actually listen and try to do something about it).
My mom decided to go with me and one block away from home going towards Best Buy we are at a red light with 5 cars in front of us. Ok nothing unusual yet, but this is where I wish I had my camera.
This dark blue station wagon with 3 cars in front of decided to go up on the curb and grass ??? why ??? that is what I said. Well, they knocked down the traffic light. No kidding. I think they hit the white car in front of them I could not tell, but boy was she angry. Oh yeah, there was a woman standing there next to the light waiting for it to turn green so she could cross. The traffic light barely missed her. She had to jump out of the way. There were some men I believe from the electrical company working a few yards away too.
It happened to be an older couple in the blue station wagon that knocked down the traffic light. I can not imagine how you explain that to the police or insurance company.
So, what happened in your day today?
Posted by Mary L at Monday, May 05, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Best Buy, Best Buy rewards, car accident, Racine, road construction, traffic light
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