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BZZ Agent---Inbox Dollars

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pictures of grocery bought flowers

Who says you can't find pretty flowers at the grocery store. I know they aren't arranged very nice but I was hungry and wanted to eat the grocery store bought fried chicken (which is usually
very good, but not this time. It was overcooked.).

Anyway I could have go with the red or pink with yesterday being Valentine's Day, but we have what about two feet of snow outside. I wanted something bright and cheery. What is more bright and cheery than yellow tulips and daisies with some purple irises thrown in for good measure.

Of course all of these are planted in the garden that is buried under all that snow. We're planning on doing some rearranging and possibly digging up some ugly overgrown evergreen bushes this spring. At least that's the plan. Hopefully we'll actually do it. Anyone in for doing some free labor? lol


Colors of Me said...

the flowers are gorgeous and one of my favorite colors! and hey - today is valentines day - not yesterday lol - so - happy valentine's day!! - guess what - dave is right now - at this very moment- having a root canal - hahahaha - he deserves it lol - i really do love him, but ya know i just have to laugh - you should update more often - there is this challenge - i'll have to find the blog for you - but it is to take a different random photo everyday and post it - i may do that

Mary L said...

I know but I bought them Tuesday.
Oh like you knew that.


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